No human can (or even wants to) edit 500 envelopes, but editing 2d images, that we can do easily. Because it typically requires manipulating large amounts (up to 500 per voice) of partials over time, additive synthesis is hard to handle. If you need one of the 2 filter units processed after the blur unit, that’s no problem. Processing units can be rearranged in a semi-modular way. Through the same envelope/mappings, randomize any parameter or link it to key or velocity, and even fine-tune each unison voice independently. You wanted more, so also featured is the multipoint envelope editor of sytrus fame, applied to over 40 parameters, in 2 independent parts.
You don’t just select filter types, you draw them. Harmor is driven by a powerful additive synthesis engine. ATTENTION: NO macOS VST version available!.